A review by margaret21
The Seabird's Cry: The Lives and Loves of Puffins, Gannets and Other Ocean Voyagers by Adam Nicolson


I unreservedly loved this book. Nicolson has long been fascinated by seabirds, and explains how these birds differ so much in habit and lifestyle from the garden birds with whom many of us are more familiar. Then he takes ten different species to examine in turn. He refers to his personal observations, to scientific research, to history and to literature to build a rounded and fascinating portrait of each species he's chosen. My husband got used to having a daily bulletin of 'today's most fascinating seabird facts' at breakfast each morning, and now he too is reading the book.

Beautifully written, the book is meticulously researched. Yet Nicolson's style is readable and involving, with sometimes detailed data presented in a clear and accessible manner. His final chapter, while apparently negative about the future for many of our most loved seabirds ends on a positive note. This was a book I was sorry to have finished.