A review by allisonschoneschmetterling
She Is a Haunting by Trang Thanh Tran


There is so much cool stuff going on in this book but it all feels a little … unfinished ? Like a great, multi-generational, tragic horror story that feels just a little hollow. I think maybe if it was a bit longer it might feel more fleshed out. I do love the intermittent Vietnamese phrases and words without direct translation. And every mention of food (even the creepy house needing food) is well-placed and obviously an intentional through-line between the ghosts and the living. I love the idea of the modern day descendant of a horribly-treated family coming back to avenge them in a way, but that whole thread sort of unravels between the jumpy and confusing dream/limbo sequences, bisexual panic, and half-hearted ‘eldest daughter’ trauma. All of these things could have been expanded on and brought together if this was longer (or not YA…)

I love an unreliable narrator but between Jade and the intermittent excerpts from the house’s POV and the ghost scenes, I was just left very confused.

Cool idea but a little disjointed to me.


All in all the twist-ish ending came out of nowhere for me, like Jade had to defeat a real-life colonizer in order to defeat the dead one… It just seemed a little random because Alma hadn’t even been in the story for like a super long time (other than the mention of her car accident) then she comes back accusing Jade of dressing provocatively and wanting to seduce her husband??? I know it’s supposed to mirror the hatred between Marion and Cam but I don’t think it was really set up enough to make a strong impact.