A review by crowyhead
The Tiger in the Smoke by Margery Allingham


This is a wonderfully murky mystery/thriller. Meg Elginbrodde's first husband, Martin, was killed in World War II -- or so she has believed for the past five years. Now, just as she is about to be married to Gregory Levett, she begins receiving photographs that, though unclear, seem to show her first husband alive and well. She turns to family friend Albert Campion to help unravel this mystery.

The atmosphere in this novel is absolutely bang-on; it's so creepy and evocative, with the London fog insinuating itself into every cranny of the plot. As in many of the later Allingham novels, Campion does not play as active a role as he has previously (he IS getting older, after all), but this is still extremely enjoyable, and Allingham's descriptions of her characters remain some of the most evocative I've read.