A review by breedawnwriter
All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven

Did not finish book.

I’ve since donated my copy of the book because this story wouldn’t be healthy for me to read. The suicide at the end is just not a good message, and I know it’s probably not portrayed that way, but it’s not something I need to read.

So no, I will not be coming back to this book.


Dnfed at 24%.

There’s nothing wrong with the book: the writing is gorgeous and the characters are beautifully broken and complex. This is just one of those “it’s-not-you-it’s-me” situations.

I haven’t been in the right headspace for this novel. It deals too closely with grief and I’m just not in a place where I can willingly thrust myself back into that dark aching because maybe it’s too soon or maybe it’s the fact that I’ve already had to do that with my writing.

There’s also a lot more profanity than I’d expected, and I don’t feel like weeding through that right now.

I’ll probably wander back to this book at some point, but that’s just not right now.

And until I’m able to properly engage and immerse myself in the story, I’m refraining from giving a proper review or star rating.