A review by magikspells
Reboot by Amy Tintera


I guess robo-cyborg isn't really a fair shelf to put this on, perhaps I need something that has to do with contagions. The basic premise of this book is that kids are all subject to the KDH virus, if you catch it and die, your body could 'reboot' itself. And people who have had this happen are just called reboots, they're not considered human anymore, they can heal faster and are generally stronger and more resilient than normal people. When you've become a reboot, you're taken away to a facility where you're ranked based on who long you were dead for. Our main character, Wren is 178 while the new kid Callum is 22. The higher the number, the better (and more heartless) the trainee because reboots are sort of like law enforcement, working for the humans.

I'm not going to say I loved this book, it was good and an interesting premise. But the characters were a little boring and the story felt very rushed like we couldn't wait to get to the end. Wren is a fun character, but she doesn't seem like a real person. I believed her more in the beginning when she was apathetic and blank. I just have a hard time believing that Callum could just show up and change her entire perspective on life. It felt a bit forced. But we'll see.