A review by tabsfchnr
Money Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom by Tony Robbins


I've followed quite a bit of Tony's stuff. I think he's an incredibly caring and generous guy. This book is no exception.

Loaded with super comprehendable information about personal finance, delivered in a conversational manner. It doesn't feel as long as it is.

He takes you from literally ground zero - why do you want to invest, what kind of a life yada yada - to some transcripts of interviews he's had with financial giants such as Ray Dalio and Jack Bogle, each time asking them what their advice would be to the individual investor.

Within the 600 pages, he helps you debunk financial myths, plan your financial life and understand the main asset classes. Then he explains asset allocation, tax efficiency and more advanced financial instruments. He reviews the interviews, gets excited about technology (that bit was a bit random), and finally encourages you to live a life of giving.