A review by catiinha
Story of a Kiss Anthology by Taylor Sullivan


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Actual Rating: 3.5 out of 5 Stars

*I was provided a copy by the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

With this being an anthology I knew I wouldn’t like every single story. The anthology didn’t start that well because I didn’t like the first story but it got way better. I really liked most of the stories and there are a few that were extremely cute. I think that the fact that each story was different from each other made this anthology even better. My favorite stories were Crazy Beautiful Kiss by Kathryn L. James, At Long Last by Leslie Kung, Love and Photographs by Jaye Cox and my favorite overall, Maybe Now by Kelly Lincoln. If you write a story in which the guy sends a girl every single Twilight book, even when they haven't talked for years, and that she has TARDIS blue eyes I can guarantee you I will love it because it's full of cuteness. These stories were really cute and I hope to read more of these authors in the future. There are 3 stories that I really didn’t like at all and that decreased the final rating but overall I liked most of the stories. One thing I really liked about this anthology is the fact that I was introduced to thirteen new authors to me and I’m sure I’ll be reading more of their work.
Overall, I really enjoyed this and if you like to read romances you should definitely give this anthology a try.