A review by mackle13
Batman: Gotham by Gaslight by Brian Augustyn


First and foremost, get out of your head any notion that this is gonna be Steampunk Batman, 'cause it's not. There is no Batman will cool gadgets, there are only some passing references to the famous villains, and, long story short, this is such a wasted opportunity for awesomeness on that front.

As to the stories themselves - the first, Gotham by Gaslight, was kind of interesting, mostly because of my interest in all things Ripper. Can Batman stop the elusive killer when he comes to stalk the streets of Gotham? Even more, can Bruce Wayne do it
Spoilerbehind bars after getting framed for the murders?

I liked this story because it shows the detective side of Batman more, piecing together the clues instead of just knocking bad guys heads together until they squeal.

I was a bit disappointed with the reveal, though. It was a bit too obvious and banal.

The second story, Master of the Future, I didn't like at all. Here were some futuristic gadgets, though all in the hands of the villain, and it's a sort of typical "do as I say or I'll destroy the city, muwahaha!" thing.

Mostly, I just found this story kinda boring. The most interesting thing was a Victorian Julie Madison...