A review by barryhaworth
Introducing: Emotional Intelligence: A Practical Guide by David Walton


I don't think that self-help books are my cup of tea. This one was recommended to me by a friend some time ago, and I have nominally been "reading" it for more than a year and have been finding it hard going. This isn't really the book's fault per se, more that I felt to do the material justice required spending time to pause and reflect and apply the content. As I normally read for pleasure and distraction this didn't really work for me.
Apart from this, though, I didn't really feel that the book does justice to its subject. While making a concerted effort to finish off before Christmas so I could return it to my friend after all this time it seemed to me that much of what I was reading was along the lines of "Emotionally Intelligent people can do A! and B! and the even more amazing C!" without really making the link between why this was so, or how one could achieve such skills. Lots of studies were described and results quoted, but no references were given. It all seemed very superficial and sensationalistic, and not particularly useful, at least to me.