A review by krickster
All Men of Genius by Lev AC Rosen


This book really makes me wish that Goodreads allowed half-star ratings, because it's really somewhere between a three and a four for me. I found it quite engrossing and sometimes quite funny, and the plot and characters were definitely interesting. However, at times the problems with the writing and/or the science were so severe that they were laughable. Rosen has serious trouble ending scenes--often they run on for several sentences beyond their natural end point, and an inordinate amount of the time, they end with a character going to bed. Regarding the science: while I am perfectly willing to suspend my disbelief on many matters--such as the idea that you could perform whole-body skin transplants from one species of animal to another without at least some impressive immunosuppressants--I draw the line at the idea that transplanting a voice-box from one animal to another would allow the recipient to instantly make all the sounds (even words learned by a sea-faring parrot) that the donor was capable of making. However, I did enjoy the book overall, and the ending was satisfying.