A review by caitlynischeckedout
The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn


I think I read this one way too far after the hype train had left the station. 

It started off so interesting, Anna is stuck in her house due to agoraphobia and she witnesses a murder that no one else saw, and in fact the murdered woman can’t be who she said she was as another woman appears claiming to have her identity. Intriguing! 

After that it goes downhill. Anna is a very frustrating character to follow. She’s constantly mixing her medications with copious amounts of alcohol, yelling at people, and then wonders why no one will believe her. I did find the gaslighting of the police frustrating on her behalf, but I don’t think I would believe her either with the way she presents herself. I think I would’ve liked it better had she pulled herself together once she realized she wasn’t believed, but instead she keeps telling herself to do exactly that, and then never does it! Instead she just sits around playing chess, giving other people advice online, and getting blackout drunk all the time.  

The random sex scene was also totally worthless and jarring imo. Not even sure why it had to exist.

I did think the plot twist with her family was interesting, but not enough to make up for all the rest. The old film references also got old after awhile. Maybe if I knew them I would find them a better addition, but I just ended up skimming all those parts in the hopes to find some more action. The killer wasn’t my favorite. It definitely was creepy, I’ll give it that.

This one definitely won’t be sticking with me, it went on way too long for what it had to say.