A review by xterminal
The Cain Saga, Volume 02 by Kaori Yuki


Kaori Yuki, The Cain Saga: The Sound of a Boy Hatching (ViZ, 1993)

We get the second installment of the backfilling of the Godchild saga with The Sound of a Boy Hatching, which introduces us to Mary Weather, Cain's half-sister, and gives us more background on Cain's relationships with his father and Riff. I liked this one a whole lot better than I did Forgotten Juliet, though I can't quite place my finger on why; it may well have to do with me being much farther into Godchild than I was when i read the first book, and thus knowing the principal characters better. This one does have the same episodic quality as Forgotten Juliet, though, so if that bothers you, be warned. *** ½