A review by jennybeastie
How to Ditch Your Fairy by Justine Larbalestier


This book is an odd one -- but plunging into the quirky world building and sudden, unexpected slang of another place is always entertaining. New Avalon, and it's obsessive schools (this one for sports), and it's luck-fairies, and the verbal play reminds me of the Flora Secunda books. The only thing to do is dive right in.

On the whole, I enjoyed it. I was frustrated at the cardboard cutout adults, and the fact that even when she was being physically kidnapped Charlie didn't bother to ask for help. It went too far! She shouldn't have to handle stuff like that on her own! It's stupid and dangerous, and she chose to go with a stupid and dangerous way of handling it and there were no real repercussions. C'mon now, that's a crappy message to send. But it's a funny book, and a light book, and I guess that makes it ok?