A review by danielle_dore
The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud by Ben Sherwood


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Shady Tree Reads

I admit I picked this up after seeing the preview for the movie. Since I decided I had to see the movie,(My little sister and I love to drool over Zac Efron) of course I had to read the book first.

The book starts out with a car accident that takes Charlies little brother sam from this world but keeps him in it. Becuase of this near death experience, he is able to see his brother every day at sundown, and keep a promise to play catch with him.

Something I love about books is when they don't take too long to get going, so that was the first positive thing I noted about this story. However, the writing style is slightly different than I am used to, it kind of reminded me of the way Nicholas Sparks writes. But I didn't mind.

After the accident, the story jumps thirteen years into the future where we meet a functioning, but not fully living, Charlie St. Cloud. He manages the Waterside cemetary, talks to the spirits on thier way to the next life, and plays catch with his little brother at sundown every single day.

The reader meets Tess Carroll, a spunky, danger seeking sailor who plans to be one of the top ten women who have ever sailed around the world. Of course, she meets the perfect guy in Charlie days before she is to leave on her solo venture. Thier blossoming relationship is believable and real, and takes a heartbreaking turn that leaves the reader on the edge of thier seat until the very end.

This book was about loss, love, and living to the fullest.