A review by mochagirlalysia
The Lost Years by Mary Higgins Clark


The book is a quick read and I thought the overall storyline was interesting. What would people and the church do if there was a real letter from Jesus in existence? Just the simple idea brought thoughts of the Da Vinici Code and Angles and Demons. I loved both of those books. The idea of a crime surrounding a historical and biblical artifact is very interesting to me. Mary Higgings
Clark throws that out there with an affair and a murder.
The book was a clean and easy read. There was only the mention from the victims wife of blood but there was no blood and detailed killing mentioned at all. I really appreciated that this book could be read by all ages and not give you nightmares. LOL! By the way the affair is something talked about in the form of love but no sexual descriptions at all.
With that being said I liked the pace of the book but something seemed to be lacking for me. I wish there was more details in the book making me want to never put it down. There were a few characters that all had reason and opportunity to shine more than they did. They seemed to just be in the background showing up here and there but not giving major input. The one reason that I can't give this book top billing is the constant jump in tense. One sentence is in first person and the next would be in third person. The jump in the being of the book really bothered me but I slowly got use to it toward the end. I would have loved to have this book in one tense throughout.
I actually thought I knew what was going to happen in the end. And I solved it two to three times in my head before the end. But to be honest I was wayyyyyy off! I had no idea! The author did a great job giving the reader (me) something to figure out along the way.