A review by bookswithmaddi
The Paris Hours by Alex George


3.5 stars

This book is impossible to rate. For most of it I was settled on three stars, but the ending was incredible albeit a little rushed. George's writing is beautiful and the imagery is stunning. However, I wasn't as wowed by many of the characters. I can't figure out if it was because I listened to this on audiobook or because the characters were so similar, but they all kind of blended together. Many of the main male characters were described very similarly and their lives were so complex and difficult to keep track of. The book was very detailed which isn't something I always appreciate especially when it drags things out or just becomes confusing. And then at one point the author threw in the "I'm not like other girls" trope for the only female character who's perspective we were able to follow which was blehh. Also, in order to emphasize the masculine appearance of Gertrude Stein, characters continually misgendered her which was a little weird and uncomfortable. On top of that, I found Marcel Proust's character really creepy when I think he was supposed to be endearing. I think my problems outweighed my love for the ending (which I'm realizing had A LOT of loose ends) so I'm settling on 3.5 stars. Although this novel actually has a lot of sequel potential.
There is no doubt that this novel is a masterpiece though. It was clearly well planned out and is historically accurate. I loved how it look place over 24 hours, and honestly that was the main selling point for me. I would honestly definitely recommend this book for an intriguing historical novel told from many perspectives.