A review by arshias
How Proust Can Change Your Life by Alain de Botton


Picked this up at my local library - I hope to someday read In Search of Lost Time but in case I don't break any of my limbs I am glad to have stumbled upon de Botton's well-written and whimsical primer on Proust's writings, life, and philosophy.

"We are all in the habit of giving to what we feel a form of expression which differs so much from, and which we nevertheless after a little time take to be, reality itself."

"The reason why life may be judged to be trivial although at certain moments it seems to us so beautiful is that we form our judgement, ordinarily, not on the evidence of life itself but of those quite different images which preserve nothing of life - and therefore we judge it disparagingly."

"There is no better way of coming to be aware of what one feels oneself than by trying to recreate in oneself what a master has felt... we would like him to provide us with answers when all he is able to do is provide us with desires."