A review by booksandlemonsquash
Sanctuary by Caryn Lix


I massively enjoyed this hi octane sci fi thriller. It’s got some of my favourite things - yet another evil corporation, monsters, super powers, and space.

I enjoyed the set up and the concept - especially as you spend ages worrying about the jail break only for the whole thing to be taken over by aliens but it totally works!

Kenzie acclimatises pretty fast to the events, which is my only real niggle, and I do like that you can see some things have more of an impact on her. I really liked her relationships with Mia and Rune, both so different but really help show how things change through the book.

I liked Cage, Alexei and Matt - and all the section 5 kids, but the dynamic between those three, Mia and Rune was fun. Plus I thought the jail break was pretty well thought out.

I’m dying for more about Kenzie’s parents, and the background to how everyone got arrested, but especially more on what happens next! I full on NEED book 2 right now.