A review by tippyloohoo
Fever by Lauren DeStefano


I read a reviewed the first book in The Chemical Garden Trilogy, Wither, and absolutely loved LOVED it. So I had been sitting on the edge of my seat for months waiting for Fever by Lauren DeStefano to come out. I really couldn't stop thinking about Rhine and what would happen to her. Literally every book I read after Wither got compared to it and made me wish I was reading Fever. My wait is over now. But I'm not satisfied.

Fever takes over right where Wither left off. Rhine and Gabriel have made their escape and are safely away from Housemaster Vaughn. Or so they think. After literally abandoning ship and coming ashore they head toward bright lights they see in the distance. What waits for them there is not pretty. A scarlet district run by a paranoid opium addict was not what Rhine had in mind when she ran away. Now, after months of planning her escape from Vaughn, Rhine must plan an escape from Madame's carnival of love. However, before she can even begin to think Vaughn shows up looking for her. How could he have possible found her and how will she get away now? Aided by one of Madame's girls, Lilac, and a security guard Rhine and Gabriel manage to make it out, with an added weight. With only a small bag of possessions, including a children's book with a mysterious name and address they set out to find Rhine's home.

The homecoming is not what Rhine expected. Her brother is gone and he has burned the house behind him. Feeling lost and alone she must once again make a plan to keep herself and Gabriel safe. She does the only thing she can think of, she heads to the address in the book. But more trials await Rhine. Once safely at the house she becomes increasing ill. She's too young for it to be her end but it sure feels like she's dying. And Gabriel thinks he has it figured out. The only thing that makes sense is that Vaughn has poisoned her and she needs to go back. Obviously this does not go over well with Rhine, who only wants to be free of Vaughn and his basement of horrors. But soon she won't be given a choice.

The second book in a trilogy is never as good as the first. But a good second book will leave you chomping at the bit to read the third. That is exactly how I feel about Fever. I didn't love it as much as Wither but after the events in it I HAVE to read the final book. I. Can. Not. Wait.