A review by meghapatel
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo


Oh my freaking god!

I'm a wreak. I'm an emotional sobbing wreak.

What has this book done to me? 😭😭

If I thought Six of Crows was amazing, then Crooked Kingdom is even better. While Six of Crows had me gripping the edge of my seat, Crooked Kingdom straight up pushed me down from a high-story building without any cables! It was so so so so amazing. It had me all happy and giddy at parts and then...BAM...I would be crying. That is all I've done while reading this book. Cry. Sometimes happy tears and sometimes not so happy and sometimes tears of frustration. I am definitely a mess now. No more tears left here.

Bardugo wrote a freaking masterpiece. Page after page there would be a new twist to the story. Just when I think everything is safe and sound something happens. The stakes were so much higher this time, the crew literally had everyone working against them. My poor babies were suffering and I alongside them. This book has everything from the amazing plot to complex and platonic relationships with morals of family, love, and friendship. It's everything! Thank you Leigh Bardugo for giving us this little piece of heaven.

One thing I loved about this book was how we got to see everyone's past. In Six of Crows we knew each and every member has suffered but didn't know exactly what it was. It was intense what they all went through and are still going through. Getting to know their background was utterly heartbreaking.

It's crazy to think that the crew is consisted of just teenagers. Teenagers who have suffered so much and experienced real loss. They've been through so much at such young age. It baffles me how they manage to deal with the cruel world. Their suffering drives them towards their goal.

Kaz Kaz. Kaz. Kaz freaking Brekker! He is not your typical hero. If anything, he is the farthest thing from hero, but he has a heart though he never shows any signs of it, its still there. His past still haunts him, and it makes it hard for him to show his heart to everyone. Despite that he is a freaking mastermind. I don't know how his mind works up all the crazy schemes. His mind is always churning some new ideas to cause havoc. But I cannot complain of the havoc he causes. He can be all the trouble he wants to be, I will love him forever. He is strong, genius, arrogant, a little crazy but I still love his stupid self.

Inej My little yet deadly Suli girl. She is so strong and talented. Her past is the one that breaks my heart the most. No girl or a guy should ever go through that. It’s sickening what people do and I commend Inej for not letting her past stop her from achieving her goal. Inej is just freaking awesome! I love her with all my heart. I want her and Nina as my best friends. In fact, I think we are BFF's. Anyways when Jan Van Eck had her and what he wanted to do to her, my blood was boiling. The way he made her doubt Kaz...ughh. And what Kaz did for her ta the end…my heart. Its beautiful.

Wylan Poor, little innocent Wylan. I'll just say that his father is a monster and Wylan deserves so much better than that shitpiece as a father. Wylan is sweet and still sees the world as good. I love that about him. We didn’t get to learn much about him in SoC and what we learned in this installment touched my heart. He is a precious cinnamon roll that must be protected and kept happy. Maybe a certain shooter may help with that prospect? Haha

Speaking of… Jesper Oh boy I did not expect that much depth from him! Like boy you tryna make me sentimental here instead of laugh? But his past was so sad and touching at the same time. He kept trying to suppress something and while doing that got into a bad habit. His internal struggle to make everything right just makes me want to hug him. He tries to hide behind his humor, but I see you boy, I see you.

Nina Yes, she is the best! I’ll just start by saying the girl loves her food! Nobody can touch her food and expect to live. Seeing her struggle from withdrawals was so hard. She stepped in unknown territory and her way back to normalcy was not easy. She is so brave and strong that even while she was suffering, she made jokes. She’s just amazing. Like I said I want Inej and her as my BFF’s.

Matthias Oh where do I begin? I didn’t like him at first just like he resented these thugs at first but he grew to like and protect them and I grew to love him. His growth was seen throughout the book. He was taught to hate Grisha and their powers but the way he overcame that teaching and saw the real reason was amazing. He came a long way. He is loyal, protective, and strong. His love for Nina was so pure and raw…I can’t even think about it without crying. Its just too much. Why Bardugo why??

And then there was Strumhond. I looooovvvveeeee him. It was so good to see him again. I was swooning all over him. I can’t wait for the spin-off!!

I adore and love the whole crew in general. Kaz, Inej, Nina, Matthias, Jesper, and Wylan. I love them to their very core. Kaz with his brains, Inej with her talent, Jesper with his wit, Wylan with his innocence, Matthias with his strength, and Nina with her sassiness. I love each and every one of them to the moon and back.

Even after finishing this book, I'm still going to keep thinking of these characters and story. Specially the final showdown. Everything that happened there and after...it was torturous (you know what in talking about). All I know is this book destroyed me and broke my heart into tiny pieces and built it back up again. So glad to have finally read this duology. It's definitely going to my all time favorite list. But I still need more!!

You hear me Bardugo?? Give me MORE.