A review by blodeuedd
The Death of Bees by Lisa O'Donnell


Aww fantasy and UF, I do love thee. And no offence, but I love lit fic for it's writing.

Marnie and Nellie have 2 effed up alkie parents. Well had, they died and they buried them in the yard.

There are 3 POVS and they all have their chapters.

Nellie is, well they never say, but she seems a bit aspie. She talks like an old woman and has her own rules.

Marnie, the oldest is 15. She drinks, does drugs, does stupid things. But she is smart and she wants them together, so that is why they buried them and they try to keep up the act.

The third POV is Lennie. The neighbor, the only one that notices that something is wrong. He tries to look after them.

It's well written. 3 great POVS. You are in their heads, their miserable heads. It's not pretty, it's bleak, and it's really messed up. But it is so good, she has a great voice. I would totally read more by her.