A review by knitnetic
A Lady by Midnight by Tessa Dare


For a year, Kate Taylor has lived in the same town as Corporal Samuel Thorne. What started as a seemingly mutual disinterest has risen to dislike. It comes as a surprise to everyone in town, then, when Kate and Thorne suddenly become engaged. What they don't know is that Kate has suddenly discovered the family she never knew -- and Thorne is only there to protect her as she gets to know them. Yet, even Kate is in the dark about his true intentions; intentions that soon become abundantly clear.

There was a lot to like about this book. Kate and Thorne were both interesting characters with interesting histories, though the friction between them seemed a little excessive at first. However, I have only read one of the previous three Spindle Cove books, so I imagine the tension may have been fleshed out in [b:A Night to Surrender|10429836|A Night to Surrender (Spindle Cove, #1)|Tessa Dare|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1349076979s/10429836.jpg|15334257] or [b:Once Upon a Winter's Eve|12974563|Once Upon a Winter's Eve (Spindle Cove, #1.5)|Tessa Dare|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1356038771s/12974563.jpg|18133144]. Once they became romantically involved, those tensions turned into very believable passion.

However, this book fell into a group of several romance novels I've read recently where the story I care about -- here, Samuel and Kate's love for one another -- was over when the book was only half over. From that point onward, the plot seemed trivial and unnecessary. I was torn as to the plot involving Kate's family. While they certainly seemed like interesting characters in their own right (Ms. Dare, I hope this is a setup for your next series!), I felt like they were wedged uncomfortably into this book.

Overall, an enjoyable read, but not one of the better ones I've read from Ms. Dare.