A review by dozmuttz
Deadpool Kills Deadpool by Cullen Bunn


I’ve finally finished the Deadpool Killogy series with this hilarious finale.
Cullen Bunn finishes the series off as its original writer and this time is accompanied by Salva Espin on artwork.

In this riotous grand finale Deadpool has gotten to the last stage of his mission. He’s killed the Marvel universe, as well as the fictional literature characters the universe is inspired by. Leaving only one more phase to complete. If Deadpool got rid of all these fictional characters and in turn people forgot them since they ceased to exist, well then he is the only one to know of these characters. Which means Deadpool must kill…well, Deadpool. Only this lunatic Deadpool (more lunatic than usual if you can believe) didn’t know he’d have to face the 616 variant of the merc with a mouth. It gets crazier when other Deadpools from across the multiverse clash in an all out war. Some Deadpools follow the lunatic DP and his goals of erasing everything. The other few join our 616 hero in order to stop the chaos. It’s a Deadpool crisis on infinite earths!

Cullen Bunn once again delivers on a fun and humorous story. This one in particular being the funniest of the three mini-series. It’s interesting to me that the overall series got sillier as it went on and maybe it’s because the concept and plot also got siller. Regardless of the fact, Bunn shows off his humor really well as it progresses. I loved the craziness of all the Deadpools fighting each other and the super fun cast/teammates that help 616 Deadpool. Once again it’s a great display of pacing and each issue got more and more fun.

Salva Espin is the artist on this mini-series and he’s by far my favorite of all 3. Espin is no stranger to the character as I would say he’s one of the most recognizable Deadpool artists. So how fitting was it to have him do the finale. His style is a huge factor into playing up the humor and his character designs for all the different Deadpools are awesome. I haven't seen much of Espin’s work but after this read I wanna check out more of his stuff. Truly a wonderful cartoonist.

Overall; This mini-series is just as great and entertaining as the other two, and with how much funnier it was it’s kinda become my favorite. The whole killogy is a super fun read and deserves all the hype it gets. It’s also a great read for anyone trying to get into the character of Deadpool. I’ve personally never read a Deadpool comic or run besides this one. I still know quite a bit about the character as his popularity took off at the start of my comic reading. But I still am mostly unfamiliar with his comics. So it only shows how great this overall story is cause I never felt like I didn’t know the character enough. It was just overall fun.