A review by willowisp79
Cold Blood by Heather Hildenbrand


So, this book sees Tara heading for Wood Point Academy (and no the name is not lost on me!!). This is a specialist school, and supposedly the best Hunter Training School in the country.

However, Tara wasnt ready for the shunning she got the first step she takes on Academy soil....for not being a pure blood Hunter.
Trying to ignore the whispers and words she trudges through her first week. Of course the obligatory blonde barbie bully and her cronies are there just taking every opportunity to make her feel worse than she is.
However, she meets two other "outsiders" - Logan and Cambria. Cambria is just a pure misfit, whereas Logan was last years new kid, but despite his good looks and intelligent, theres no clique to cater to both!

We meet the boy who saved Tara in the last book - hes called Alex, and he is assigned to train Tara every night and at the weekend. Hes not happy - he still sees her as a Dirty Blood, and Tara takes great pleasure in proving him to see WHO she is, and not what. Their relationship goes from hatred to almost a love relationship, but one that cannot be. Tara has mixed emotions about this, and its recalled really well.

And of course cant forget Miles - the hunter from the first book who turns out to be Leo's son - he too reveals as a mixed blood, but he is creepy. Calling Tara that he and her can rule and that he has a plan in the works.....and then he wants to meet her...

Of course it cant end well....
But what was the plan.....? And did he succeed in it?
Wesley is being promoted to be the leader of The Cause, so Tara is frustrated at not being able to contact him or see him....but when he shows up outside the Academys defense shield.....he reads Taras mind......and what had happened with Alex....

One heck of a cliffhanger again, one that leaves one of the people Tara knows to be changed forever......