A review by uma_booksbagsburgers
Pigeon-Blood Red by Ed Duncan


(I received a free copy of this book from the author and the publicist Kelsey Butts in exchange for an honest review.)

Actual Rating - 3.5


While the story isn't a long one, we still get to see the personality of each character come through. I enjoyed getting to know Evelyn. She's a woman who believes in herself and at the same time isn't scared to accept her own mistakes. While the summary of the book on Goodreads talks of Rico as the main character, for me it was Evelyn. Through our glimpses into her past, I enjoyed getting to know the person she used to me and the person she'd grown into.

Paul too was an equally interesting character with a past that haunts him. It was interesting to see how he lets go of that and learns to move on even while they're caught up in a dangerous plot. Rico sure is not the kind of character we normally see in books. He is not really a bad guys but not really a good guy either. He's one of those gray characters who always make interesting decisions.


Truth be told, I expected the plot to be a lot more complex but I do understand that's not possible when the book isn't long enough. For me the best twist was around the middle of the story when we learn about a certain someone. But I think the little blurb on the backcover would give away this little twist and make readers guess before they get to the part. Thankfully I read the blurb only after finishing the story. The most interesting parts of the story for me was learning about each person through their past. I also liked how the plot was character driven most of the time. It's the kind of book you know would also make for a good gangster thriller movie. At the beginning of the story, I felt a little confused as to what was happening but the author clears up things soon enough


The writing is clear and to the point, making this a really fast read. At certain points, I felt the dialogue wasn't natural enough. I think the best part of writing was when we learn about Paul's backstory. The dialogue between him JoAnne was written wonderfully.


- The character driven plot
- Evelyn and Paul
- The fast pace
- The cover


- how the story feels confusing at first
- certain characters whose personalities weren't explored much.


A noir drama that is character driven and fast paced making sure to keep readers interested till the very last page.