A review by catenavi
Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler, Serpil Yener, Ralph Manheim


Even ignoring the horrors this man was responsible for, this is still one of the dumbest philosophy books I've ever read.

The ideology presented is mostly so braindead, I had to stop reading it for long stretches of time, especially after getting to the two parts where 1) he blames his entire entry into a political career on his father hating his art and his instructor telling him he was a bad architect, and 2) he states his hatred of Jewish people started because a Jewish-ran newspaper was making the culture in Vienna too flamboyant (despite the fact he himself agreed with much of what they published) which, in his effort to find a different news source, caused him to "learn more" from what today would be the equivalent of probably Info Wars or Breitbart. From that point on, it spirals into the ramblings of a man with too much confidence and too little knowledge to justify it.

If ever there was brainrot before the internet, it's this book. "My struggle" my ass. Such a weak-willed excuse of a man and it shows in his writing. Without the influence of others, he would've been the nobody he deserved to be.