A review by teresajluvs2read
His Outback Temptation by Annie Seaton


**I received a copy of His Outback Temptation from Net Galley in exchange for an honest and voluntary review**

His Outback Temptation by Annie Seaton is the final book in her Pickle Creek series. Even though I'm sad that the series has ended I'm sure Gran Helena isn't done with her matchmaking in the family. However Sebastian and Isabella's story wasn't my favorite it's still worth all 4 stars. I just wish that Seb & Bella had more of a connection to each other instead of dancing around the will she or won't she part of the story.

Sebastian has finally come home to Pickle Creek and Spring Downs but he wonders if he'll end up staying because the farm life isn't what he loves as much as his photography. When he steps in to save Isabella from her overzealous seat mate, little does he know that she'll be come home also. When they arrive at her father's milk bar they both realize that their careers are very important to each other and farm life isn't what they want to do.

Isabella Romano is coming home only for six weeks to hopefully convince her father to finally return to Italy with her mother. As a chef with her dream job waiting in England after her visit ends with her father is very surprised how much has changed in Spring Downs. With shops closed and everyone driving to the nearest town she wonders how long her father can afford to stay. After the caterer cancels on Lucy and Jemima's wedding she'll enjoy having something to create for them. But will Seb finally tell Bella that he has fallen in love with her but knows that his family expects him to help take over the farm will he stay or won't he?