A review by lezreadalot
Everything Between Us by Harper Bliss


Kudos for themes that I truly care about, one in particular that I was surprised and pleased to see in a romance novel. It's so often assumed a given that you'll be able to get off with the people you sleep with, but it's not like that for everyone. I enjoyed seeing Josephine deal with that little hurdle. And non monogamy! I loved that! Even though Josephine's feelings on it weren't concretised, I still felt like things with her and Caitlin were in a great place at the end of the story, and their happiness doesn't seem to be in jeopardy.

Definitely appreciated that the book dealt with feminism and fat acceptance, but for something that obviously means so much to the author, all of the dialogue around it seemed... wooden? Forced? Like it was lifted straight from a text book basically. A good bit of the dialogue suffered from a heavy dose of 'nobody talks like that'-ism.

All in all, another solid Harper Bliss book. 3.5 stars