A review by shile87
Le Cœur en balance by Marie Sexton


Audiobook - 5+++++ stars
Story - 4 stars

Marie Sexton and John Solo combo works every time. The story was amazing and the narration was perfect.

First of all screw Levi's family, and double screw Jamie's family.


MC 1 - Levi
MC 2 - Jamie

Levi, a happy go lucky out and proud guy with a very religious family. A little bit lost trying to find his way. I wanted Levi to tell those fuckers to screw it, but then again i understand the route the author took, at the end of the day they loved him and he loved them, it's just that their beliefs were different. I liked Levi from the moment he was introduced. His personality is so vibrant that you can't help but fall in love.

Jamie - Oh my heart, this sweet guy went through a lot. He deserves the world. He is a lonely lost soul, haunted by his dark past, trying to survive day by day. I loved Jamie, he has a unique sense of humor, i found myself laughing hard when he was on page and he also broke my little heart.
SpoilerHe is a survivor of child abuse. He was raped by his uncle when he was a kid. Ugh! Pedos should be burnt alive, have their balls cut off first then be set on fire.
I wanted to wrap him in a warm blanket. Thank the book gods for Dolly. Jamie's dog, she is a darling.

Levi and Jamie fit so well, and their relationship development was fun to follow. Something in the lines of strangers to friends to best friends to lovers. It developed so effortlessly and their chemistry was off the charts and believable. The slow burn is so well done and had me all squishy inside.

This book is heavy on religion, i wanted to smack the self righteous, all knowing servants of the good Lord hard. Honestly, religion is the worst thing that ever happened to human kind.

The writing is good without being preachy and in your face, this is what happens in real life. The author was able to provide a good balance and i did not feel suffocated by everything that was going on. That is a huge plus.

Overall, it was a wonderful, heartbreaking sweet story.