A review by joanna1905
Her Majesty's Royal Coven by Juno Dawson


**3.75 Stars**

I’m honestly not entirely sure how to sum up my feelings about this book or what even an accurate rating would. I went into it knowing absolutely nothing based only on a positive recommendation so I wasn’t really sure what to expect. However, I was pleasantly surprised - while perhaps not a story I’d typically gravitate to I really enjoyed it for that reason.

The premise is solid and very well executed, the interweaving of real life queer issues with the witch society worked so well and for the uneducated might serve as an eye opening look into how fucking stupid terfs are.

I loved Leonie and Niamh and I also adored Elle and Holly. Helena was an insufferable villain but worked well for the purpose of the plot. Theo’s character was really something special and I adored her journey (tho I would’ve loved to get some chapters from her pov).

I was a bit taken aback by how much transphobia was in this book but at the very least it felt purposeful, it was always making a point and commentating on our own world and didn’t feel like it was hate for the sake of hate.

Honestly one of the plot points that bothered me the most (especially since at this stage it seems so unnecessary) was all the girls knowing Jez is regularly cheating on Elle and not telling her. That’s so unforgivable to me that it really tainted my opinion of the other women for doing this to their friend. To the point that they wiped Holly’s memory when she found out and wanted to tell her mother. I really really hated it and it just made me sad to the bones for Elle - and I think they’re excuse that she’s happy was such trite bullshit.

All in all this was a nice change of pace for me, while I’m a big fantasy reader this was very different to anything I’ve read before and I’m super interested to see what exactly will happen expect. Especially after that last chapter.

My internal debate over the rating is mostly due to the fact that 3 seems too low but 4 seems a little high when I’m not sure this is a book I’d ever reread. But perhaps I’ll change my mind once I’ve read the whole series.