A review by virgo_reader
Set by Alexandria House


I saw another review say this book was "milf getting her black blown out on a regular basis". And like, TRUE. But it was also SO GOOD.

It's an erotic novella, meaning there's high heat and lots of steam. There were certain parts of the not-romance aspects that were underdeveloped... like a finality of Set's relationship with his parents, now. Or Kareema's daughter or fuckboy ex. But you have to take those things with a grain of salt, this book was like 100 pages!

I loved the "fwb" set up they had. For 3 years - since they reconnected at their 20 year high school reunion - they've been hooking up on "vacations". Meeting at a different city and spending the weekend together. They've unknowingly fallen in love. And at the start of the book she's going to HIS city, to HIS home.

I just loved it. STEAMY STEAMY STEAMY.