A review by heyheybooks
Spells of Enchantment: The Wondrous Fairy Tales of Western Culture by Jane Yolen, Angela Carter, August Strindberg, Jack D. Zipes, Philip K. Dick, E.T.A. Hoffmann, W.B. Yeats, Jacob Grimm, Oscar Wilde, Theodor Storm, Rainer Maria Rilke, Michael de Larrabeiti, Mark Twain, Robert Coover, Sylvia Townsend Warner, Hans Christian Andersen, Voltaire, Robin McKinley, Charles Perrault, William Hawthorne, Tanith Lee, James Thurber, Hermann Hesse, Stanisław Lem, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Anatole France, Wilhelm Grimm, Italo Calvino


3.5 stars maybe? Perhaps it was because of the translation or just the age of the stories, but they are certainly told differently than stories today, and I don't mean the modern day versions. The stories were pretty repetitive and could have used some more descriptions to flesh them out. But I mean, these are the 'original' stories, so it was very interesting to read how familiar tales like Snow White (Snowdrop) and Sleeping Beauty (Briar Rose) originally went, and to learn about other somewhat well known tales that I hadn't heard of before, like The Twelve Dancing Princesses and Tender Morsels (Snow-White and Rose-Red).