A review by bootman
Year Book by Seth Rogan, Seth Rogan


I’ll start out by saying that I love Seth Rogan and think he’s managed to keep his raunchy humor while walking the fine line of changing times. It’s difficult for comedians to navigate the outrage of today, but Seth does well and is pretty cool on social issues. With that said, I can’t even put into words how much I disliked this book. As an audio listener, I was pretty happy because Seth narrated it as well, but this book just wasn’t great and was oddly annoying.

Why the harsh review? Imagine everything you love about Seth Rogan’s style of humor. Now remove it and have Seth write a book. That’s what this felt like. It was so strange reading this book. If you’ve watched his movies, they’re filled with dick and fart jokes, and insane sex jokes and dirty humor. In this book, Seth can’t even mention pornography without giving a disclaimer that he’s going to do his best not to be too graphic. It’s like he was being held at gunpoint by someone while writing this. And it’s not like I’m sitting here praying for Seth to discuss graphic sex in the book, I’m only saying this because that’s kind of the tone of the book throughout.

The first half of the book is stories from Seth’s teen years, and I feel like they could have been way funnier if he didn’t opt for this weird tone throughout the book. I don’t even know why I said it could have been “funniER” because it wasn’t that funny at all. It just seemed like typical teenager antics. While it was interesting learning a little more about Seth, I enjoyed the second half of the book more with some stories about his experience in the industry like meeting with Nicholas Cage or what was happening when The Interview came out.

I would say that Seth Rogan fans will be really disappointed by this book, but it has 4.5 stars on Amazon. So, maybe I’m just an idiot. But at the end of the day, I still love Seth. I just wasn’t a fan of this book.