A review by thaictaff
Modern Love by Beau North


This is the first book I've ever read from by Beau North, but I can assure you it'll definitely not be the last. Modern Love was a great surprise that I just stumbled upon and it instantly caught my attention.

I was instantly hooked when I started reading this book for two main reasons; 01) I loved Allie's witty voice. I related a lot to her way of thinking and I believe most millennials will as well. And 02) the realistic feel of it. How can you not see a sister and a best friend setting up people they think would get along on blind dates? I personally have been there and well it didn't turn out great, but my point is that it happens. It's not a far-fetched idea or something not believable that romances pull out sometimes.

I admire that even though the main character had a past with narcotics and is bisexual, the author never used those facts as a plot device or for shock purposes, I was so ecstatic to see that. I think it's way past time for author to stop using those things to strategically enhance and base their storyline on.

The romance was great, nothing rushed or forced, the development felt natural and it was amazing to see. I also absolutely love Will, he's my favorite part about this book and I wish we would've gotten more chapters from his perspective. But at the same time I get it, it's Allie's story more than just a romance story.

I, as a millennial, loved this story and everything along with it. With that being said, I also believe this isn't a story that only millennials will enjoy. I definitely recommend it.

I received this book via NetGalley in return for an honest review.
Review also posted at Read. Breathe. Repeat.