A review by whats_margaret_reading
Shakespeare and Company, New Edition by Sylvia Beach


Sylvia Beach started Shakespeare and Company which I will hopefully one day visit and spend the night in, as long as writing scientific papers counts as being a writer.

The atmosphere of the time in Paris is better captured in [b:A Moveable Feast|4631|A Moveable Feast|Ernest Hemingway|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1356407015s/4631.jpg|2459084] but Sylvia Beach saw everything first hand and was influential in a lot of it, like actually publishing [b:Ulysses|338798|Ulysses|James Joyce|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1346161221s/338798.jpg|2368224]. Her prose is fairly dry and matter of fact, very much the practical American navigating a very worldly life. Her family traveled a lot because her father was a Presbyterian minister and her grandparents were missionaries. She captures the goings on of the ex-pat community in Paris and her story of how she did what she managed to, creating a hugely influential bookstore in Paris for a whole generation of intellectuals.