A review by wiltedpages
This Is All Your Fault by Aminah Mae Safi


THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT revolves around the three main characters, Imogen, Daniella, and Rinn. Imogen's the ~wild~ girl, Daniella is the cool girl that secretly writes poetry, and Rinn is a popular booktuber. They're all very different from each other and that point is a bit overemphasized in the book.

The book opens with one of the bookstore workers, Eli realizing that the bookstore might shut down. The rest of the book takes course over the remaining day.

Honestly, my main concern is that this book is incredibly similar to Empire Records (the movie!). I say this because the book itself is actually really good if you ignore the fact it's exactly like the movie. The three girls are not fans of each other but on this day, they bond as they realize the store is closing because of corporate greed and they have to figure out how to save it before the day ends.

Imogen's girlfriend has just broken up with her, Daniella is not having a good day when she finds out the shop is closing, followed by a creepy author trying to make moves on her. Rinn is doing her best to stay positive despite all of this crashing down around her.

Overall, a really good book that I read in a record amount of time because it kept me on my feet the whole time.

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