A review by mreadsbooksnfics
Death by French Roast by Alex Erickson


This is the first book I have picked up by this author, I could not resist when I saw the cat on the cover. I recently have started to read more cozy mysteries. and I am finding a really enjoy them. This one is no exception, even though it was part of a series, I could follow along just fine and had no problems fully immersing myself in the story.

Krissy seems to be resident sleuth of the town. When she is not running a cafe, she solves mysteries. This book she wants to find out who killed the brother of her nosy neighbor. She learns the death of the brother had a profound impact on the neighbor, and she wants to do this to help her rest in peace. Krissy begins to look around the town, bringing up topics from thirty years before. The main issue people had with the man who was murdered was he was dating a 19 year old when he was 30 something. People saw this as shameful and looked down on him. They said he was boastful and called his girlfriend at the time terrible names. His girlfriend still lives in town and she would also like the mystery of who killed her first love solved, she feels this will help her move on.

Krissy talks to many people in town, and she is told to be careful. She seems to be someone who gets in trouble and ends up in funny situations when she is trying to find out the truth. She also seems to have a budding romance with one of the local officers, Paul, I thought was so cute. She even seems to stay out of more trouble because he helps her avoid harsher penalities. I look forward to seeing their romance grow because it is just the most adorable thing.

I had a lot of fun with this book, and I would pick up more from this author. The mystery was interesting, and I was surprised during the reveal, meaning it kept me on my toes. I like the town and the people, this book is great. I look forward to more from this author in the future,

A huge thank you to NetGalley and Kensington for the ARC in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts amd opinions are my own.