A review by classicbhaer
Out with It: How Stuttering Helped Me Find My Voice by Katherine Preston


I have to say this book opened my eyes to something I knew existed, but I did not know a lot about it. This book follows the story of Katherine Preston from when she first remembers her stutter manifesting itself up until the publishing of this book. It shows her relationship with speech therapists and her personal struggles, which were internal and external. In addition to her own story she has interviewed many parents, individuals, and professionals who have lived with stuttering in one form or another.

One thing I loved about this book was the fact that in the end she says something along the lines of everyone who stutters is different. Some people want you to finish their words others want you to wait. Some liked to be referred to as one thing and some another. It really drives home the point that even though these individuals have something in common they are still very different and want something different. I loved the way she introduced new information to the reader, it was not clinical and impersonal. She talked as if she was just talking to someone and then adding some slang or information she has learned on her interviews.

One thing I wish I saw in this book was more of the interviews she conducted, while she mentions others it was just a line or two here and there. She talks about how she traveled for a year across the US conducting these interviews and how important they were in her journey, it just let me down to see how something so impactful to her was not more included.

Overall I would say that this book is a wonderful read for many reasons. It gives you a better understanding of what stuttering may be and how it differs from person to person and much more. While one who does not stutter will never truly know what it is like, this book gives you an idea.