A review by chllybrd
Asylum by Shana Festa


I gave it 3.5 stars

I am going to jump right into this review without much lead up because I have things on my brain that need to come out. I am not at all crazy about Asylum (the place, not the book). There were a few characters I liked, but most are shady. It was clear to me, as the reader, that this wasn't a good place to be and I think they were a bit naive going there. It could be because I watch The Walking Dead and I got the Terminus vibe (without the people eating that is). I yelled at them to turn back, but no one listened.

I disliked the way things are with Emma and Jake at the end of ASYLUM. They have been through a lot, he should be the one personal Emma should be able to count on. That is all I will say about that. Daphne is still very much a part of the group. She is definitely a bright spot in a dark world, but please for the love of god can we stop talking about her poop? Pretty please? I will say that the dialogue concerning the dog does make me laugh often, but I can only take so much potty talk.

I enjoyed ASYLUM, but I didn't grab me and hold me like book 1 did. There was a lot of what felt like down time/leading up time and a lot of meeting new characters/killing new characters going on. Which in a wasteland of a world is understandable and expected, it just didn't move along and keep my attention like INDUCTION did. Having said that, I am still very much invested in Emma and want to know what will happen next. I will be reading book 3 and I hope some of my issues with ASYLUM will work themselves out as the story continues.

* This book was provided free of charge from the author in exchange for an honest review.