A review by libralita
The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan


TBR Jar Challenge: Read a Middle Grade Book

I think this is a good book to finish the summer up with.

Rachel’s school is in New Hampshire which is only an hour away from Boston.

Oh, god Perachel and Percabeth stuff.


Oh my god, Beckendorf staring at a picture of Silena. Also:

“They’d started going out last summer, after years of the rest of us saying, ‘Duh, you guys like each other!’”—page 12

Percy, Annabeth you two have no right to be saying this.

“Then he threw me another essential tool of demigod heroes—duct tape.”—page 14

Best line ever.

Wait there’s a mall on Luke’s ship? Holy shit.

It’s a trap!

“Mortal Steel” sounds awesome.

Hey Ethan!

“‘Success, my lord,’ Ethan called. ‘We found him just as we were told.’”—page 23



“Annabeth ran in right behind him, and I’ll admit my heart did a little relay race in my chest when I saw her.”—page 46


Aww, Clarisse making Silena hot chocolate.

“I looked at the glassy eyes of the Oracle, and I decided not to argue. We headed downstairs to join the other. I didn’t know it then, but it would be the last time I ever visited the attic.”—page 51

This is true.

Oh my god, Michael Yew sounds hilarious! He’s 4’6 and looks like a ferret.

I wonder if Iris ever rejects someone trying to make an Iris Message.

“‘It’s him,’ I said. ‘Typhon.’
I was seriously hoping Chiron would say something good, like No, that’s our huge friend Leroy! He’s going to help us!”—page 59

Didn’t we all?

Rachel got a therapist for the death of her hamster?

“Two archers ran by chased by an angry Ares kid who was yelling in poetry: ‘Curse me, eh? I’ll make you pay! / I don’t want to rhyme all day!’”—page 69

Nice and they’re being creative on how to rhyme cuss words.

Awww, Percy thinks Annabeth is beautiful.

Annabeth could spend 50 years looking at her lap top…too bad she lost it when she fell into hell. Good times.

Wow, it’s actually really obvious that both Rachel and Annabeth like Percy. It’s pretty hilarious.

“‘My dad wanted to take me to Greece this summer,’ she said wistfully. ‘I’ve always wanted to see—’
‘The Parthenon,’ I remembered.’”—page 73


Coach Hedge and he’s in Canada! Wonder if he ran into Frank.


Holy crap Nico is 12.

I miss Juniper.

“Nico walked back to us. ‘Good job, Percy. Judging from the trail of goat pellets, I’d say you shook him up pretty well.’”—page 84

Ewwww gross!


Time to meet May Castellan…oh dear.

I forgot how really bonkers May is…I feel really bad for baby Luke.

“She tried to stop us, to offer us Kool-Aid, but I had to get out of that house. On the front porch, she grabbed my wrist and I almost jumped out of my skin. ‘Luke, at least be safe. Promise me you’ll be safe.’
‘I will…Mom.’”—page 98

Oh god that hurts so badly.

I’d like to point out when I first read the PJO books I noticed Hestia and thought it was her! I love Hestia so much, she’s so nice and cute.

I want to write epic poems about Hestia.

“Hestia shook her head. ‘I am here because when all else fails, when all the other mighty gods have gone off to war, I am all that’s left. Home. Hearth. I am the last Olympian.”—page 103

Role credits.


Note to self: write that Paully wedding.

Goddammit Nico betraying Percy.

“Next to me, Nico knelt. I wished I had my sword so I could cut his stupid head off.”—page 121

Friendly reminder that Percy wanted to decapitate Nico.

“The older lady harrumphed. ‘I warned you, daughter. The scoundrel Hades is no good. You could’ve married the god of doctors or the god of lawyers, but now. You had to eat the pomegranate.’
‘And get stuck in the Underworld!’
‘Mother, please—’”—page 122

I love these three, they need their own sitcom.

“I plucked a ruby off the nearest plant and threw it at Hades. It sank harmlessly into his robe.”—page 124

PERCY THREW A RUBY AT THE HADES! That’s hilarious. Also, Hades sending Nico to his room and Demeter’s obsession with Cereal.

“He nodded sleepily, ‘With great power…comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.’”—page 132

Most quoted line ever.

“Staylin’ Alive” is playing in the elevator. My god.

Awww, baby Luke, Thalia and Annabeth! How sad.

Of course Athena is like, “It’s a trap, you dumb ass!”

“‘Bah,’ Hermes said. ‘Your mother said to warn you that you are on your own. You must hold Manhattan without the help of the gods. As if I didn’t know that. Why they pay her to be the wisdom goddess, I’m not sure.’”—page 157

Gods get paid to be…gods?

The city that never sleeps…is asleep.

Interesting how Kronos’s banner is purple.


Thalia! I’ve never been so glad to see you! I wonder if Thalia, Annabeth and Percy ever got to go to Le Parker Meridien before Percy was kidnapped by stupid Hera.

Oh the Minotaur…

“‘Thanks for coming,’ I told him. ‘Hey, why do pegasi gallop as they fly, anyway?’
Blackjack whinnied, Why do humans swing their arms as they walk? I dunno, boss. It just feels right. Where to?”—page 181

This is my favorite exchange.

Aw! Percy still has nightmares about the Minotaur and his mommy dying.

Poor Annie.

Pineapple Ice Cream? Gross!

Poor Hades, Maria, Bianca and Nico…

Grover’s afraid of bunnies.

Man girlfriends of the gods need to really start listening to their godly boyfriends. If only May and Maria listened to Hermes and Hades. Hey…

Hyperion’s death was kind of terrifying.

“‘Stay alert!’ I told Blackjack. ‘I’ve got an idea.’
Oh, I hate your ideas.”—page 251

We all do.

“Then a shadow swooped under me, and thump—I was on Blackjack’s back. It was’t the most comfortable landing. In fact, when I yelled ‘OW!’ my voice was an octave higher than usual.
Sorry, boss, Blackjack murmured.
‘No problem,’ I squeaked. ‘Follow that pig!’”—page 251



Guido is a funny horse.


“‘You’re just as much of an outcast as I am!’ Nico yelled. ‘Stop being angry about it and do something helpful for once. That’s the only way they’ll respect you!’”—page 282

And yet, Nico acts like an angst-y outcast teenager in the Heroes of Olympus.

Poor Mrs. O’Leary!

Cried like a bitch when Silena died.

“‘I’m immortal, you fool! I have escaped Tartarus. You have no business here, and no chance to live.’”—page 315

Pffft, escaping Tartarus is so passé. Everyone’s doing it nowadays.

“‘Now fight me! For today the House of Hades will be called the saviors of Olympus.’”—page 317

Role credits—wait no wrong series.

“‘Nice one,’ Paul said.
‘When did you learn to fire a shotgun?’ I demanded.
My mom blew the hair out of her face. ‘About two seconds ago.’”—page 319


“I caught her hand as the pavement fell, crumbling into dust. For a second I thought she was going to pull us both over. Her feet dangled in the open air. Her hand started to slip until I was holding her only by her fingers. Then Grover and Thalia grabbed my legs, and I found extra strength. Annabeth was not going to fall.”—page 321

If only Grover and Thalia were with Percabeth in the Mark of Athena…Also ANNABETH YOU NEED TO STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM CLIFFS!

Goddammit Hera.

Omg, I forgot how Ethan turns and holy shit his death was so brutal.

This book is so depressing.

“‘And, of course,’ Zeus continued, though he looked like his pants were smoldering, ‘we must…um…thank Poseidon.’
‘I’m sorry, brother.’ Poseidon said. ‘What was that?’
‘We must thank Poseidon,’ Zeus growled. ‘Without whom…it would’ve been difficult—’
‘Difficult?’ Poseidon asked innocently.
‘Impossible,’ Zeus said. ‘Impossible to defeat Typhon.’”—page 346-347

Poseidon is just as much as little shit as Percy.

“‘…And you shall have a new…um…what kind of weapon would you like? A sword? An axe?’
‘Stick!’ Tyson said, showing his broken club.
‘Very well,’ Zeus said. ‘We will grant you a new, er, stick. The best stick that may be found.’”—page 348


Watching Percy making his wish was just so amazing.


“When she spoke, her voice sounded tripled—like three Rachels were talking at once:
‘Seven half-bloods shall answer the call.
To storm or fire, the world must fall.
An oath to keep with a final breath,
And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death.

‘Percy,’ Apollo said, ‘I wouldn’t worry too much. The last Great Prophecy about you took almost seventy years to complete. This one may not even happen in your lifetime.’”—page 368-369