A review by emerygirl
Second Glance: A Novel by Jodi Picoult


The first section of this book I would have rated a 1. In fact I almost gave up, but I needed something to read one night and this was all I had, so I trucked on. Part 2 is awesome and after that I couldn't put it down. Unlike some of Jodi Picoult's other books, there isn't a lot of other stuff added to the storyline. It's just your basic story about ghosts...Jodi Picoult style. The only part I didn't like was all of the supernatural stuff that was going on, and people just seemed to take it in stride. I mean if rose petals are falling from the sky, don't you think the world would take notice? I told myself to just let that part slide by, and after I did I found the book highly entertaining.