A review by trisha_thomas
Save Me from Dangerous Men by S. A. Lelchuk


"I know you would," he said. "But that's not me. You know that. I'm on my train, you're on yours. And I'm really happy that I get to rattle along and look out the window see you. But we're on different tracks. We can't change that."

I wanted to love this one. It starts out with Nikki entering a bar, schooling fools out of their money and pool and then tricking a dangerous man into inviting her home. He's her mark and she's there with a purpose. I really wanted to like Nikki.

But with her first meeting with Greg Gunn, I was completely disappointed. Nikki missed so many points that felt obvious. For being so killer, she didn't make a lot of first steps any P.I. would make when taking on a new case. As she fumbled around and made additional mistakes (in between her kicking people's behinds), I was done with her. I hated being disappointed. The story was interesting, I just wish I'd like the MC and her capabilities more.