A review by onebookmore
The Knight's Maiden In Disguise by Ella Matthews


A Knight’s Maiden in Disguise by Ella Matthews is a captivating and entertaining historical romance with great characters, an exciting plot, and a swoon-worthy love story!

From the moment he enters Caerden, William knows there is something wrong. Concerned for the well-being of the townspeople who avoid him at all costs, William determines to find out why. It doesn’t take him long to figure out about the nefarious plans that are underfoot, and as the danger grows, William must find a way to stop the murderous plots that are about to unfold before it’s too late. Luckily he has the help of Avva, a stable master who has disguised herself as her twin brother.

Avva knows that her life and the lives of her younger brothers would never be safe if she revealed her true identity. So, she poses as her deceased twin brother and avoids any unwarranted attention. She doesn’t want trouble, and she keeps her head down, but when she meets William, everything changes. William is nothing like the nobility that Avva knows. Brave, honorable, and kind, William is the opposite of the men in charge in Caerden, and she can’t help but develop feelings for him. However, they are from different worlds, and they have different paths.

Certain that he will marry for money and not love, William isn’t prepared for the feelings Avva stirs. He’s never met a woman like her and is so drawn to her. However, he has a lot of preconceived ideas about love and marriage and decides it isn’t for him. After seeing the deep love between his parents and all of the feelings that come with it, William knows he never wants to feel that way. That is until he meets Avva. She makes him reevaluate all that he knows about love and happiness. I enjoyed William’s growth throughout the story.

Avva changes a lot in the story as well, especially in regard to her prejudices against the noble class. She has good reason to distrust and despise the upper class – they have never been kind to her. On top of that, Caerden is a dangerous place where people like her are punished and tormented for no reason. It is a dark and dangerous place to live, especially for the women, but because of William, Avva begins to see that this is not the norm.

Avva and William have such amazing chemistry, and I adored their love story. I love how they learn to trust each other and confide in each other. There are times where they drive each other to distraction, which has never happened to either of them, and their passion for each other runs deep. It’s so wonderful to see William, a man used to being composed and in control, become totally undone by Avva. Avva, in turn, lets her guard down for the first time in her life. This is a couple that is devoted to each other before either of them even realizes it, and though tons of obstacles stand in their way, I wholly rooted for them to find happiness.

On top of the dynamic protagonists and the romance, there is also a pretty intriguing and exciting storyline. With a plot to overthrow the king, attempted murder, and many other dangerous situations, William and Avva face many life-threatening obstacles. This makes for an entertaining and suspenseful read! The Knight’s Maiden in Disguise is a great historical romance that I very much enjoyed. I’m so thankful to Rachel’s Random Resources, Ella Matthews, and Harlequin for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.