A review by noolna
Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce


Honestly, it felt like such a chore to listen to this book. The characters were dull, the narrators were dull, the story was dull ... you get the point. There really was no saving grace, except for the narrator (not sure which) who did Scarlet's P.O.V., at least she was somewhat good in comparison to whoever did Rosie.

Scarlet and Rosie March are "hunters" who hunt down Fenris. After they were attacked by a Frenris when they were younger, they have taken on this profession so that other young girls won't get attacked. Something like that.

Except, Scarlet is extremely over protective of Rosie and hardly ever lets her hunt. Until they are forced to move into the city in order to track down the potential with Silas. Now, this is just awkward because all three of them share an apartment... and Rosie and Silas have a silent thing going on between them that Scarlet doesn't know about.

Scarlet lives for the hunt, all she does is live and breathe for it. So much so that throughout most of the book I want to reach through and shake her really hard. She is completely and utterly obsessed that her P.O.V is completely filled with thoughts of killing Fenris and finding the potential. On that note, if Scarlet is obsessed with the hunt than Rosie is obsessed with Silas. Rosie's thoughts about Silas and her feelings are vomit inducing. The narrator definitely plays a huge part in this as well. If she didn't voice Rosie the way she did, maybe I wouldn't feel this way ... maybe.

Also, the whole concept of Rosie and Scarlet being one heart didn't do it for me at all. I understand that the author really wanted to emphasize the sisterly bond between the two but there was really nothing interesting about their relationship. If anything it felt quite redundant. I didn't feel like the two characters grew at all throughout the book. The ending felt like the character development shot up out of nowhere, which left me feeling pretty meh.

Honestly, there are other fairytale retellings out there that are so much better in comparison to this one.


Thanks for coming out, Sisters Red. Maybe next time.