A review by romancenrambles
Running with a Sweet Talker by Jami Albright


This was a cute read. It was funny, sometimes in really crazy ways. I legit questioned if some things were really happening lol I also enjoyed the exchanges between Luanne and Jack. The tension is also so delicious. It was funny because some may find this frustrating, but I really don't. It was fun for me to watch them dancing around each other. I liked how trust grew between them. Their dynamic was really confusing at times though. They had that push-pull, hot-cold, friendly-hostile thing going between them the whole time. I guess they're just good at keeping each other on their toes.

There were parts at the beginning that confused me. I felt like there was so much going on, like I'm not really reading that fast but I still feel like everything is going too fast. Some conflicts were thrown suddenly as if it was no big deal which got me a feeling a bit off-tracked. However, things eventually turn pretty interesting that had me finishing the book really quickly. As for the characters, they were okay. I liked Luanne's sass and Jack's kindness. I don't really feel something special for them though. The conflict resolutions at the end felt a bit rushed too.

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐