A review by cgreaderbee
The Wicked Deep by Shea Ernshaw


Creepy & chilling. Atmospheric. Not your average romance.

I rather liked this book.*
There’s a lot of layers to unfold, full of history and mystery, ghosts and legends. There’s a curse on the seaside town of Sparrow, and not everyone is going to make it out alive.

Though the “reveal” isn’t unpredictable, I still didn’t know how it was all going to end, and I found the ending wistful and satisfying. Though the romance was a bit insta and intense, it kept just enough of a balance for me to still enjoy it (and that’s saying a lot. Romance many times supersaturates and ruins books for me).

I look forward to reading future works by this author.

*After further reflection, I did bump down my review from 5 to 4 stars. So it’s safe to assume my true feelings lie somewhere in the middle.