A review by librarianlorianna
47 by Walter Mosley


47 is a 14-year-old slave living on a plantation in the south. He has grown up sheltered and protected by a foster mother, but when he becomes a teen he must start working as a slave, picking cotton. 47′s adjustment to slave work is physically and emotionally devastating. One day he meets Tall John, a supposed runaway slave from a neighboring plantation. 47 soon realizes that Tall John is not who he appears to be, but is in fact from another world. Tall John tells 47 of his destiny, and constantly reminds of the importance of freedom.

47 combines historical fiction and sci-fi in an interesting way. I think this book will please fans of either genre. 47 goes through a huge transformation in this novel, from a slave resigned to his life, to a hero. Both teen and adult readers will sympathize with him and be invested in his story. This novel features action, drama, sci-fi, and even some romance. It is a fast-paced and fun read.