A review by leeraiii
Tigers on the Run by Sean Kennedy


Let me start by saying that I first read this last November of 2015 and since then I think I’ve lost count of just how much I reread the shit out of the entire Tigers and Devils series. That’s how much I love it.

This series is so rich! Rich characters, rich writing, rich dialogue and rich experiences.

I know this may sound cheesy but this series feels like a dear friend. After I read the last page of the last chapter, I came out of it feeling like I just hung out with the best people, like I went on an adventure with the most amazing individuals.

There’s just so much to love about this but I especially loved the characters the most. Fran and Roger are amazing and they are the perfect example of friends who take none of your shit but love you nonetheless and they’ll make you do the most crazy shit but it’ll all be absolutely worth it. That shit’s so heart -warming.

Declan is so sweet and funny and just absolutely wonderful with Simon and they make SO MUCH SENSE together. I’m so glad they found each other when they did. They found the best and worst parts of each other and burrowed themselves in it.

I loved how the two of them are a team. How they learn and grow together and how they support each other. It’s what a partnership should be. To quote Coby: ‘You two are like my role models for a stable gay relationship to aspire to.” And he’s absolutely right. They’re absolutely amazing together and I want to see them grow old and live their best lives together.

But what I loved the most out of all these wonderful things is of course our lovely narrator, Simon Murray. He has a special place in my heart. He’s powered on snark and his inner monologue is absolutely hilarious. I’ve reread this series so many times but Simon’s voice always gets a loud laugh out of me.

I loved Simon as the narrator. His voice is so solid, so entertaining and so relatable. I remember staying up all night, just inhaling this entire series and when I reached the end of Book 3 all I could think about was how if he asked me, I would be 100% willing to go on an epic quest to destroy a ring of power with him and his gang. I’d be like like shit yes, where do I sign, Mr. Murray?

Not that it’d be a very smart thing to follow Simon Murray into the fires of Mordor but still. I think it would be an absolute blast, you know?

He’s so brave and so full of love and yet so — not unwilling, I don’t think. Just.. very hesitant. He’s just so used to what coping mechanisms he had in the past. It worked for him then but now it quickly becomes an uphill battle for him to unlearn all of that shit, now that he realizes it’s absolutely alright to show affection (crucial even!! ) and that he cares a whole lot for the people around him. I relate to that so so much. Which is why I love him like this. He’s so genuine, and real and so human and I’m glad I found this book at the time I did.

I hope Book 4 comes out soon and I hope Sean Kennedy is having a great time and is healthy and happy and never has to deal with uneven table legs that wobble or aborted sneezes or rude people. I hope he’s surrounded by the most lovely people in the world because the world is a brighter place for me because of Tiger and Devils. I’m 100% serious. This is my favorite book series and I’ll read it again and again and again and never get tired.

TL;DR Please read Tigers and Devils. It is absolutely worth it.

Thank you. (bows)