A review by sea_caummisar
Flesh by Richard Laymon

Laymon sure knows how to tell a story.
He simply tells it.\
This one started off a bit slow, and in the beginning the writing was simplistic and 'basic' (bad choice of word, but helps with my upcoming comparison). No purple prose when he was starting the tale. It was more about meeting the characters and the overall plot.
But when the good parts happened (violence, nudity, etc...) his writing styles shifted to vivid descriptions that felt so real that I could see the scenes playing out in my head. Which is how most of the Laymon books I've read are written. Which I love that style. No need to waste my time reading/knowing what the character had for breakfast or what color the walls were in their childhood home...  It was simply building up the story, then BAM! Out of nowhere, he shifts gears, and knows what I like. I want every single adjective to describe the interesting stuff (nudity and gore). No much sex in this one, but lots of nudity.. and of course, a creature that slinks inside of human bodies and makes them murderers.....  Also, Istopped counting the word 'rump' at right around 20....