A review by eesh25
The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan


2020 Reread!
Yeah, I'm not gonna write a full review again, because I don't have much new to add. I again got stuck somewhere in the middle (it happens every time), and then just flew through the last 100 pages. Fun thing is, even on the third read I found myself excited to find out what would happen next. And then my brain reminded me that I've read this series twice before and therefore already know what's gonna happen.

Two things I noticed that I hadn't before:
1. The satire in the part about "C.C."
2. Percy stabbing Polyphemus's ass.


Before I start, I wanted to say, like I did before the review of book 1, that I'm sticking to my original rating because this is a reread and I might, therefore, be a tad biased.

That out of the way... I loved this book.

This is another one from Percy's perspective but here, he's not a newbie anymore. He knows where he stands and he's familiar with Camp Half Blood and it's workings. He can't wait to get back. Until... everything that he knows is challenged.

Luke (the traitor) is back to his evil shenanigans, guided by the one and only, Kronos. Thanks to the two of them, the the camp is in jeopardy. And if that's not bad enough, Chiron is being accused of working with Kronos and has been fired, the camp is being run by some crazy dude from the Underworld, Grover may be in trouble, and Percy suddenly has a half-brother, from the godly side.

So much is going on and Percy and Annabeth are looking for a solution. When they find one, it launches them on a quest to the Sea of Monsters. So yeah, two demigods in a sea full of monsters, what could possibly go wrong?

Answer: Everything. But in a way that is so much fun to read. Percy's narrative is, as usual, hilarious, the book is full of action and never stops for a second, we get to meet even more mythological figures and go on a hell of a ride.

This book is also kind of the real beginning for Percabeth (that's Percy and Annabeth's ship name, if you didn't know) and they're both so completely awkward about it; it's adorable. Then there's the fact that this is Uncle Rick's first go at an evil cliffhanger. For those of us who are familiar with the Heroes of Olympus series, we know Uncle Rick is an evil (and also a genius). But the ones reading this series for the first time, they'll know it by the end of the book too.

Overall, this book is interesting, fast-paced, and a lot of fun with great characters and a great storyline.

One thing I want to add, quite a few people, while read this installment, get stuck about halfway through. If that happens to you as well, just push through. I did (the first time 'round, that is), and it was so worth it.